Jumat, 29 Maret 2013

How to Make a Lava Lamp

Dalam tugas KPST ini kami dari kelompok 5 SI-36-04 Institut Teknologi Telkom, yang beranggotakan
  1. Theresia Yudith D.P           (116120125)
  2. Rissa Puspita                         (116120143)
  3. Dyah W.Iswari                      (116121154)
  4. Archie Ekaviansyah           (116121158)
melalukan percobaan tentang pembuatan lampu lava dengan mengupas teori sains yang ada dalam percobaan tersebut.
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Dan dibawah ini kami mecoba member ulasan tentang video simulasi percobaan yang kami lakukan.
How to make a lava lamp
At the beginning curiosity of human  to create light to produce a form of discovery which had been. Developed in according with the development of science and technology.Begin from someone who wants create light to brighten the darkness, then create fire from friction of the two stones, with the technological developments. Thomas Alva Edison find a lamp which used to brighten the darkness. On the experiments the lamp is used as a heat source. Lava lamp was developed by a Craaven walker at the endd of 1940.
In this video we'll explain the substance with a different density which will be given thermal energy will produce a work that is useful in your life. There is also the phenomenon when two different substances mixed with the right composition used in lava lamps. Which is a proprietary secret, but in general, one of the water-based liquid and the other is oil-based. Water phase may be water mixed with alcohol or water-soluble solvent. The second fluid must meet a number of design criteria: it must be dissolved in water, heavier and solid then unreactive, non-flammable and cheaper.
It should also be non toxic, unchlorinated, not emulsified in water, and it should have a greater coefficient of expansion in water. While the selection of the fluid is changed from light to light, there was a design change that should be considered because the
are available in a variety warns, sizes and styles.
Okay we're ready to present the example of the phenomenon
Before we make this experiment, we need:
Plastic bottle
Cooking oil
Food coloring
Baking soda
Here this Instructions:
First, you can Pour water into the plastic bottle until it is around one quarter full.
Second Add around a dozen drops of food coloring to the bottle
Next u can See the food coloring falls through the oil and mixes with the water.
Third, Pour in cooking oil until the bottle is nearly full.
And then you must Wait until the oil and water have separated.
After that you can Put the baking soda to the bottle to see the bubbles.
To see any bubbles you can add salt in on the bottle.
And enjoy the experiment.
And What's happening with this experiment?
If you've put our oil and water experiment you'll know that the oil and water don't mix very well. The oil and water you added to the bottle separate from each other, with oil on the top and water on the bottom because it has a lower density than water. The food coloring falls through the oil and mixes with the water at the bottom. Put the baking soda you drop in after releases small bubbles of carbon dioxide gas that rise to the top and take some of the colored water along for the ride. The gas escapes when it reaches the top and the colored water falls back down. Those are the bubbles that lcarry the colored water to the top of the bottle. Adding more baking soda to the bottle keeps the reaction going. To make any bubbles you also can put any salt in the bottle.
This experiment demonstrates some science you already know: that oil and water do not .mix. Even if you try to really shake-up the bottle, the oil breaks up into small drops but will not mix with the water or the (water-based) food coloring. This will keep the oil distinct from the colored water, giving the lamp a nice effect. In addition, the Baking soda reacts with the water to make tiny bubbles of carbon dioxide gas. These bubbles attach themselves to the blobs of colored water and cause them to float to the surface. When the bubbles pop, the color blobs sink back to the bottom of the bottle.
So, hopefully you can enjoy it.

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